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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/zentsang on 2024-04-08 04:22:43.

Just a funny share for everyone. I finally setup and immediately loved PiHole. I added several blocklists to it and noticed everything in my home, from my computers and smartphones to my Roku TVs, finally had no ads. It was awesome … UNTIL … my wife noticed some links she couldn’t get to anymore. Initially I told her it’s a 1-off and probably a bogus site anyway. Then more and more… and on all her devices… she realized how much she actually used the ads that she once hated with a passion. I tried to start whitelisting thing for her, but there were so many and she was hitting me up multiple times a day. So… I tossed all her devices into the ‘Bypass’ list so she could continue as before. I also told her she could no longer complain about ads because I had a solution and she shot it down. That night… I slept in my office chair.