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The original was posted on /r/starcraft by /u/Zblonk on 2024-04-08 17:11:29.

So I just recently started playing again and I didn’t realise how broken the divisions are. I got placed in Masters 3 and ran around the room, thinking me watching tournaments had somehow made me really good. I soon realised this was not the case.

I then played against a bronze player, who accused me of smurfing, because I was clearly a masters player. We were both the same mmr (around 2500), only he was placed in bronze and has been there for months…!

This is problematic for 2 reasons:

  1. Low level players might not know about the bugs in the division system. I only know about it because I watch streamers. Imagine thinking you are in bronze and the only match you play that day is against a masters player. If you don’t check the replay, you’re never gonna realise the other guy was around the same skill level as you and you should both be in gold league. You would immediately quit playing such a stupid game, right?
  2. For us metal leaguers the divisions are real important mentally. I know mmr is the same, but “I wanna reach 2700 mmr” just doesn’t feel the same as “I wanna finally get to platinum”.

I feel for low level players this is a way bigger priority than balance changes, as slight cyclone nerf doesn’t do anything for me (everyone plays one base battlecruisers anyway lol), it should be about preserving the sense of achievement! Otherwise a lot of players are gonna quit and probably already have…

Are there any chances this is gonna get fixed any time soon?