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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Tharunx on 2024-04-09 09:15:59.

Ente is a photo backup application similar to Google photos but is Open Source and with End to End Encryption which is audited by Cure53 (same people who audit Bitwarden).

Ente has docker images available to selfhost the server (same server works for both Ente photos & Ente Auth apps). Now official mobile apps support custom server URLs for self hosted servers. Self hosting instructions here:

Im not a developer or associated with Ente. I found it very interesting and wanted to share with you. I always used & supported immich as my backup solution.

As far as i know- these are the differences between Ente & immich

  1. Ente supports on device Encryption and on device Machine Learning. So server does not do the ML tasks.
  2. As of how it’s been built, Ente can store your photos/videos to any S3 based storage. The docker-compose by default also comes with MinIO configuration.
  3. Unlike immich Ente is stable and was launched in 2020 and is a famous subscription based alternative to Google photos for people who want Privacy.
  4. Ente photos or Auth has apps on all devices , even on desktop like Windows, Mac, Linux.

Devs are very responsive & active with community on discord( maybe other platforms too). They are implementing self hosted features on request and discussions/issues from github.