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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/Developer_Akash on 2024-04-09 13:52:23.

Hey all,

This week, I am sharing about how I use Ansible for Infrastructure as a Code in my home lab setup.


When I came across Ansible and started exploring it, I was amazed by the simplicity of using it and yet being so powerful, the part that it works without any Agent is just amazing. While I don’t maintain lots of servers, but I suppose for people working with dozens of servers would really appreciate it.

Currently, I have transformed most of my services to be setup via Ansible which includes setting up Nginx, all the services that I am self-hosting with or without docker etc, I have talked extensively about these in the blog post.

Something different that I tried this time was doing a _quick_ screencast of talking through some of the parts and upload the unedited, uncut version on YouTube:

Please don’t be too harsh about my video recording skills yet 😅

I would love to know if you are using Ansible or any other similar tool for setting up your servers, and what have your journey been like. I have a new server coming up soon, so I am excited to see how the playbook works out in setting it up from scratch.

Lastly, I would like to give a quick shoutout to Jake Howard a.k.a u/realorangeone. This whole idea of using Ansible was something I got the inspiration from him when I saw his response on one of my Reddit posts and checked out his setup and how he uses Ansible to manage his home lab. So thank you, Jake, for the inspiration.