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The original was posted on /r/piracy by /u/MrLionheart233 on 2024-04-09 14:44:32.

I used to pirate a lot of games until a few years back when I started having the means to afford them. Now there are some games that I loved so much back then that I would like to actually buy again to support the devs and for the sake of owning them on my Steam account and getting achievements.

My problem is, as I’ve already experienced with Remnant: From the Ashes (which I had played the CODEX version of), once i bought and booted up the game through Steam, every single achievement in the game popped up at once and I received all my unlocks from the pirated version. This would probably be ideal for most people but I was revelling in the challenge of starting over and unlocking every milestone and achievement from scratch. I could still delete my character and start over but the Steam achievements couldn’t lock themselves back and the game’s rewards are account-wide.

I know the answer will probably vary from game to game/ pirated version, but is there a geneal way for me to, in the future, prevent my progress from automatically carrying over from pirated to legit whenever I decide to buy any other game I’ve already played?