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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/anotherorphan on 2024-04-09 18:46:06.

so I’m poking around the free movies on Prime, not expecting much because, well, free movies on Prime. the synopsis on Radius sounds interesting, so I give it a go. turns out to be this mystery/sci-fi horror-adjacent story where we the audience are right with the POV of the main character who is suffering amnesia, oh and everyone who comes within 50 feet of him dies. yeah, that’s in the synopsis. the movie does a nice job of building tension, and the editing in the flashbacks is solid and effective, the direction is good, and I’m sucked in. to talk about the plot any more would spoil it, so let’s just say it gathers momentum. there’s a few great payoff scenes on the premise that, while I was watching, I was like, “I hope they do this” and then they did that. very satisfying. and slowly but surely, it got more and more bonkers. that’s about all I can say, really. also, what is it about Canadian movies (when it was over, I found out it was Canadian, and I was like, but of course it was). they seem to embrace this stark nihilism that’s not in most Hollywood films, which always seem to have an “out,” some hero or heroine to come along to at least give us hope. films like this one, also other Canadian movies like the Ginger Snaps films and Beyond the Black Rainbow, hope feels gone, and it feels like anything positive is just temporary, and we must surrender to fate. sounds weird, but i’m a fan of this approach. if anyone can suggest more Canadian films like this, or even some essays about Canadian cinema that touch upon this, that would be appreciated.