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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/TemporaryDealer1736 on 2024-04-09 19:36:19.

After spending a few minutes consulting a calendar, I’ve learned a few things about when we can expect the “mid-April” update. Here’s what I’ve found:

  1. There are 30 days in April.
  2. If Valve is referring to “mid” April, then there is also a “early” and “late” April.
  3. Through the power of division we can assume: Early April: 1-10 Mid-April: 11-20 Late April: 21-30

As of the time of this posting, it is April 9th, which is good news, because in just two days we will be in mid-April and the update could drop. Tomorrow, April 10th, will be even better, because we’ll only be one day away from mid-April.

Personally, I hope Crownfall drops at the very beginning of mid-April because according to my calendar I surprisingly have nothing else going on.