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The original was posted on /r/selfhosted by /u/TMHD on 2024-04-09 15:21:08.

So these last few weeks have been a learning curve. I have learnt so much and most of it has come from this community…

My next step is to setup a couple of personal websites and them to the world from my home server.

I have seen a lot of information, ranging from don’t do it to massively different takes on the subject. So here is a few bits of what I have learnt so far from various Youtube videos and blog posts…

  • Use Cloudflare to obfuscate my home IP and use one of theirs.
  • SSH key access only to the server (one of the first things I did)
  • Only open port 80 and 443 and use nginx reverse proxy.
  • Don’t expose SSH or Docker.
  • Keep everything up to date.

Obviously, I now need to go and learn how to do all of this, but, before I do I thought I would come here and ask for you tips and advice and anything I am missing or overlooked.

Thanks in advance.

EDITED TO ADD - Both the websites are static sites generated with Jekyll.