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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/AndreasWerbell on 2024-04-09 03:08:53.

So, I will admit that there might be a more appropriate sub-Reddit to post this doc to, since this guy is more active on Twitch, but given that this guy is active on Youtube as well (and is abusing Youtube’s DMCA system), I figured I might as well post it here, if only so that people can spread the word about this guy.

FalterXV is a femboy VTuber whose amassed quite the history - and I mean that in a negative way. Now, I’m assuming that you all have at least a general idea of what a VTuber is, so I’m not going to go into too much detail as to what VTubing is. While he’s also infamous in some other gaming communities, I’m focusing on him as a VTuber.

His actions include (evidence will be linked in a Google Drive at the bottom of this post):

-Viewbotting his streams (despite having only 873 followers on Twitch at the time, most of his streams somehow manage to hit the 4 figure number; and it’s not like he routinely does collabs with bigger VTubers/streamers appearing as guests on his stream; however, there is the occasional stream where )

-IP Violation (his previous VTuber model is a blatant rip-off of Azur Lane’s KMS Scharnhorst - which he has somewhat of an obsession with; while his current one appears to be entirely original, it does - and I swear I am not making this up - violate the Geneva convention because of the Red Cross in the hat)

-Homophobia (this is somewhat ironic, since as I mentioned, this guy is a Femboy VTuber, although he is obsessed with a female personification of the KMS Scharnhorst)

-Ban Evasion and DMCA Takedown abuse (long story short, his original account was banned by Youtube because he kept on abusing the DMCA system; aside from what’s listed in the Google Doc, there’s also what he’s done to Elara - which I mention below)

-Slander (Falter will often take out ads on Twitter and other sites accusing people who he does not like of bad stuff; amusingly, there have been several cases where he forgets to lock the comments on these ads, resulting in people who have no interest in VTubing whatsoever complaining about seeing them)

-Scamming via Chargebacks (detailed in the Google Doc Below)

-Harassment (to the point that 2 people took their own life - or at the very least, felt the need to fake doing so)

If anyone wants more information, a Google Doc on Falter recently dropped that also contains all the evidence for the stuff I posted (as well as a lot more stuff that I didn’t mention). While I did somehow get blocked by Falter on Twitter, I have not interacted with him at all (it’s likely because I commented on a Tweet by someone he’s been harassing). Here’s the link:

Additionally, a VTuber by the name of Elara covered the aforementioned doc in a Twitch stream (she’s covered him before, so this isn’t her first brush with him). However, Falter has since filed a false DMCA claim against Elara - while Elara DID manage to save a copy of the stream, given that Falter does not know when to quit, it’s likely this won’t be the last time this happens. If you wanna read about it from Elara’s end, or see an archive she made of the VOD, here’s a link to a tweet she made about Falter’s False DMCA strike (which also contains a link to the VOD). Since this happened after the doc dropped, it’s not mentioned, so I’m mentioning it here. There are several other people on Youtube (Ringtail, Active Genesis, and Mako Rays) who have also covered Falter’s antics if you wanna see some coverage from before the doc dropped