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The original was posted on /r/youtubedrama by /u/DrAwesomeX on 2024-04-09 19:19:35.

I’ll drop a much more in-depth analysis of who Smash Bandicoot is and what he did below, but essentially he formerly made a lot of shitposts, grew somewhat big thanks to them, and began being a dick to a lot of people. He then went on to target and strike any channel that even remotely mentioned him, almost taking down several creators until the subject was brought up to Moist Critikal, who arguably got it to stop and had the channel taken down

Since then, Smash Bandicoot has apparently now returned and is impersonating people who didn’t even really have much involvement with the initial drama, like @mr_evaporation. I’m only bringing this up as I’ve been a very close friend of Mr_Evaporation’s for a few years now, and coming from personal experience and seeing everything he’s done, this guy is a fucking NIGHTMARE to deal with. Like I’m talking stalking, death threats, sexual harassment, sending CP to minors, former impersonation attempts, guilt tripping people with suicide, etc.

This is Smash Bandicoot’s new account which I highly recommend everyone report:

And here’s some videos regarding Smash Bandicoot’s activity for those unaware: