1)The new information was released(where?) as a result of a January court order from U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk. It follows V-Safe data previously detailed by civil rights attorney Aaron Siri in a 2022 roundtable hosted by Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

That data(which data?) revealed that 800,000 of the system’s 10 million participants, or approximately 7.7 percent, reported needing medical care after COVID injection. “Twenty-five percent of those people needed emergency care or were hospitalized, and another 48 percent sought urgent care,” Siri said at the time. “Also, another 25 percent on top of the 7.7 percent reported being unable to work or go to school.”

2)The CDC was forced to publish the information following a court order. These reports are in addition to the shocking number of cases already revealed by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The revelations come after the federal government undertook a three-year-long intensive campaign to delegitimize such talk as “harmful misinformation.” The reports were submitted to the CDC’s V-Safe reporting system. Most of the patients in the reports had suffered from heart failure, miscarriages, seizures, unconsciousness, Bell’s palsy (partial and temporary facial paralysis), and more as a result of the Covid mRNA injections.

Court case ruling: https://cases.justia.com/federal/district-courts/texas/txndce/2:2023cv00102/378122/40/0.pdf

See also: https://dockets.justia.com/docket/texas/txndce/2:2023cv00102/378122

I didn’t find the actual CDC reporting on it
