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The original was posted on /r/audiophile by /u/NefariousnessSad2208 on 2023-08-19 20:03:05+00:00.

I have a pair of KEF LS50 W2 paired with KC62 which is connected to Sony Bravia A95K (Android TV) using eARC. I use this setup to listen to music as well as watch movies. I am curious if I should stream music from Tidal/Spotify using the App on TV to powered speakers (connected using eARC) or use the Tidal Connect/Spotify Connect to stream directly from the speakers. What is the quality of audio output (kbps, bit, kHZ) for Sony Bravia A95K? I heard Samsung TVs (Tizen) down sample the audio quality therefore I wonder if with Sony/Android TV compresses the sound too.