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The original was posted on /r/audiophile by /u/MidoriDesutoroi on 2023-08-19 17:04:40+00:00.
Hi, I’m a retrogamer and live in a tiny apartment, so that means I have to fill a big ass CRT TV and my 3.1 speakers in a very constrained space, and since the magnet inside the speakers mess up CRT screens, I’m thinking of buying magnetically shielded speakers so I don’t have to compromise so much their placement in the room.
I wanted to know if the JBL studio 6 speakers are magnetically shielded. I know the Studio 5 line was shielded, but I couldn’t find any information regarding the Studio 6.
I currently have 3.1 speakers from the JBL Stage line (with 2 bookshelves). I tried shielding them using magnets as per these guides [1], [2], [3], but didn’t get acceptable results (the TV image was still messed up by the speakers).
I tried to find some used Studio 5 speakers but it seems nobody has them here in Brazil (maybe they weren’t even sold here idk), so my options are kinda limited here since we don’t have a lot of brands you guys have in the US or Europe, so the Studio 6 seems to be my last effort of getting shielded speakers 😅.