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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/Jorgenlykken on 2023-08-19 10:38:34+00:00.

I am reading the new book from Jem Bendell, Breaking Together. In chapter five he explains (If I understand correctly) hat 90% (!!)of total global CO2 heating will be caused by CO2 released from the Ocean due to rising sea temperature. We can see this principle from historical data. The so called “CO2 lags temperature “ effect. I have heard of this before, but just from climate deniers that have used this data as an argument that CO2 does not cause heating. But we are here talking about a MAJOR feedback loop that I have not heard about before, and that will kick in and increase CO2 leveles enormously when ocean heats up. My question is: Is this principle baked into existing climate models?