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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/Scarlizz on 2023-08-19 10:47:52+00:00.

I have my refurbished deck since a few days now and noticed something odd.

I use the official dock with my Samsung 4K tv. And sometimes there are some ‚red lines‘ popping in. But only for a second and only randomly. So that’s I can not post a pic of it unfortunately. It’s also not the whole screen that get these red lines, only a certain part of the display. And also can not tell to what this is even related to. As far as I notice it, it only happens while playing on Tv. In handheld mode it seems to be not there (or I didn’t see it yet, hard to say because I use it mostly in Dock mode)

Any idea if this is a defect with my Deck? Or Dock? Or the tv itself? The hdmi cable is brand new, I doubt it’s related to that but who knows.

Here is a reference picture of what it kinda looks like what I mean (note that I only have it in a small area and not like on this picture):