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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/o_Zion_o on 2023-08-19 04:29:45+00:00.

I know that battery conversions are controversial and done to death, but I’m curious about this.

For anyone who’s had their deck for ~1 year or more, I have the following questions for you:

  1. What is your battery health at?
  2. Briefly state your charging philosophy (i.e. “I keep mine between 20% and 80%” or “I charge it whenever and don’t look at the percentages, I do nothing in particular”).

Thanks in advance to anyone who chimes in. The more responses the better, so I can use the consensus to make up my mind.

I use Samsungs battery care thing on my phone, to limit the charge to 80% and charge it at 20>25%, as per their recommendation. Hence why I’m debating whether or not to do the same on the deck.

Your responses will be an interesting set of data to see what the optimal situation is.