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The original was posted on /r/switzerland by /u/Klutzy_Apartment8876 on 2023-08-20 20:41:28+00:00.
Let me start off with this stating that I do not have any religious beliefs, and no answer to this post should contain any hate or propaganda for a religion.
You’ve probably all seen this situation in Sweden with someone burning the Koran. I’ve seen that this was allowed by the authorities. Would something like this be allowed in Switzerland? With some cantons still being kinda attached to church (like the one I live in, Vaud). Or would burning the Bible for example also be allowed? This is also more generally a question regarding the importance of religion in these cantons, as I don’t know a lot about this.
Feel free to discuss, but please remember no hate or something like that. Also, I’m fine with answers in German and/or French.