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The original was posted on /r/tools by /u/niko3100 on 2023-08-20 14:15:33+00:00.
So this is the thing: i live in a 3 bedroom small apartment and have been doing DIY with woods since pandemic times. First i bought a drill then another one, then a bunch of handmade wooden tools and then two jigsaws. Lately my last purchase was a orbital sander. I also have a portable Ketet workbench (remember my space is very limited). Although I learned how to do almost 90% straight cuts with my jigsaws I want to do the jump and make it 100% staright cut. Everybody will say “buy a circular saw” but I am trying to avoid big and dangerous tools, having kids playing around in a small apartment is very dangerous. So… with a trim router can I be able to do a a straight cut after the jigsaw cut to remove imperfections? And make it an almost perfect straight cut just like a circular saw (but taking more time and money)? Wich bits should I pick to do it?? Thanks!!