• grue@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    In a country without special half-sized parking spaces for kei cars/city cars/smart cars, all cars are the same size (one parking space each) and are therefore equally bad.

    I mean, sure, bigger cars are more dangerous to the people they crash into, but that’s beside the point because crashes are the least of the harmful things about cars! The real problems with them are things that are inherent to the nature of cars – all cars – and cannot be fixed merely by making them 1980s-sized again.

    Specifically, the biggest problem with cars is the way the built environment has to be absolutely ruined to make space to accommodate them, and how that not only destroys walkability and transit viability, but also causes stuff like obesity and lack of housing affordability. All these things are inherent problems of car-dependency, and it doesn’t make the slightest shred of difference whether those cars being depended upon are Isettas or F-250s.