These toolchain are created for experts to create industrial-level compilers. Even if you think you got a syntactic design concept that is such hot shit that you can’t wait to get it bootstrapped, even if hell, it proves Rice’s theorem wrong, please, write a simple interpreter for it to prove your syntax works. In fact, I think one way you can test your language’s design is to have it mooch off an established VM like JVM, CPython’s VM or CLR.

But if you wanna ‘learn’ compiler design, I beg you to roll your own backend. You don’t need SSA or any of that shit. You don’t need to super-optimize the output at first try. Just make a tree-rewrite optimizer and that’s that.

Same is true with LP generators. From Yacc to ANTLR, they just make the experience harder and less rewarding. I know hand-rolling LP is hard in a language like C, in which case, don’t fucking use it lol. There’s honestly no inherent worth in using C in 2024 for compiler design.

But there’s still use for C in being the subject of your compiler. It’s a very simple, straightforward and more importantly, standardized language, you don’t need to write a runtime for it, because when it comes to both UNIX and Windows, runtime is OS itself! Just make sure you add a syscall interface and then C runtimes like glibc and CRT can be easily strapped.

I’m going to do exactly this. I named my C compiler ‘Cephyr’. I have started over several times now. I am using OCaml.

I know my point about using LP generators is preaching to the choir and most people despise them — but I just don’t understand why people love to use IRs/ILs when doing so teaches you shit.

I recommend beginning to design your language with the IR – your IR.

I don’t just wanna focus on Cephyr. There are other stuff I wanna do, like Nock, a PostScript interpreter in Rust (because GhostScript had made me hard-reset 4-5 times. GhostScript is just un-secure, leaky garbage).

Anyways tell me what you think about my ‘take’ on this. Of course I am not saying you are ‘less knowledgeable’ for using LLM or MLIR, I’m just saying, they don’t teach you stuff.

Still, some people just use LLVM and MLIR as a final ‘portable’ interface, having done the optimization on graphs and trees. i think there should be some sort of ‘retargatble assembly’ language. Like something with fixed number of registers which… oh wait that’s just a VM!

Also you don’t need to necessarily translate to a super super low-level language. Just target C. GNU C to be exact. Cyclone does that, in fact, I am planning to bootstrap my functional language, which I named ‘Xeph’, based on Zephyr ASDL, into GNU C as a test. Or I might use JVM. I dunno. JVM languages are big these days.

PS: Do you guys know any cool VMs I can target beside CPython and JVM? Something with AoT perhaps?


    5 months ago

    It’s pretty much the only target that is open-ended, high performance, and portable.

    I wouldn’t call wasm really portable. And webassembly doesn’t call itself portable either.

    Limiting out everything non-little-endian, requiring IEEE754-floating points and forward-progress guarantees is not really portable anymore.

      5 months ago

      Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.

      This is front and centre on the homepage…

      It makes assumptions about the native architecture for the sake of performance, but it’s still portable because you can implement all that behaviour in a VM if necessary. The important thing is that the behaviour is well defined.

      It’s not perfect but I don’t think the situation is any worse than in Java, C#, Lua, etc. If your hardware has non-standard floats you’re going to have a bad time with any VM.

        5 months ago

        This is front and centre on the homepage…

        I stand corrected.

        It makes assumptions about the native architecture for the sake of performance, but it’s still portable because you can implement all that behaviour in a VM if necessary. The important thing is that the behaviour is well defined.

        It doesn’t have to be native architecture, just the execution environment (i.e. you can emulate it).

        But I don’t see why by that logic any turing-complete language wouldn’t be in the group “portable”, including any hardware-specific assembly. Because you can always implement a translator that has well defined-behaviour? e.g. is 6502 assembly now portable that C64 and NES emulators are commonplace? (And there even is transpiler from x86 asm to 6502 asm). I do not think many of us see this as a good definition for portability since it makes the concept meaningless, except in cases where the translation layer is not feasible due to available processing power or memory.

        It’s not perfect but I don’t think the situation is any worse than in Java, C#, Lua, etc. If your hardware has non-standard floats you’re going to have a bad time with any VM.

        I mostly agree here. But I think portable language is not the same thing as a portable VM, and that portability of a language target is different from VM portability.

          5 months ago

          But I don’t see why by that logic any turing-complete language wouldn’t be in the group “portable”, including any hardware-specific assembly. Because you can always implement a translator that has well defined-behaviour?

          What matters is the practical reality. Generally, languages are not portable when they don’t have well-defined behaviour, and when this causes their implementations to differ.

          And thanks to this low standard for portability, a lot of VMs and high level languages are portable until you get to the FFI.

          e.g. is 6502 assembly now portable that C64 and NES emulators are commonplace?

          I would say yes! It’s just that portability is not the only thing required to make a VM spec useful.

          But if you lacked other options, you could theoretically build gcc for 6502 assembly once, and then use the same binary to bootstrap the gcc on lots of different platforms, specifically thanks to the proliferation of NES emulators.

          This would also only work if there is a standard NES API available in all the emulators that is rich enough to back a portable libc implementation. I have no idea about that part.