It bugs me when people say “the thing is is that” (if you listen for it, you’ll start hearing it… or maybe that’s something that people only do in my area.) (“What the thing is is that…” is fine. But “the thing is is that…” bugs me.)

Also, “just because <blank> doesn’t mean <blank>.” That sentence structure invites one to take “just because <blank>” as a noun phrase which my brain really doesn’t want to do. Just doesn’t seem right. But that sentence structure is very common.

And I’m not saying there’s anything objectively wrong with either of these. Language is weird and complex and beautiful. It’s just fascinating that some commonly-used linguistic constructions just hit some people wrong sometimes.

    5 months ago

    I don’t care so much when I’m just listening to people talk, but there’s something about seeing people use needs washed constructs in otherwise normally composed and edited messages that drives me absolutely mad, for some reason. Stuff like “I need paid more to afford to live there.” I first started seeing it on reddit a few years ago, but it seems as though I’m seeing it more and more now, all over the place. It’s not something that is used anywhere I’ve lived, and it’s just jarring to see sentences constantly missing a couple of words. I suppose I expect more variance in spoken language, especially in less formal contexts, but seeing it written is something else.

      5 months ago

      I’ve only heard this said by Indian people, so I’ve been assuming that when I see it written online it’s Indians. Per that link it looks like all over the US it’s at least occasionally used. That’s crazy, and I can’t stand it; hopefully this doesn’t become standard.

        5 months ago

        I don’t think it’s necessarily actually laziness, but rather a failure to change register as appropriate for the medium and context. The Yale link does show that the construct has its own grammatical structure that is followed, so to me, it’s more an error akin to writing, “Yeah, so check this: World War I was started because many countries said ‘You with me, bro?’ and others replied, ‘Yeah, you know it, boy’ but then shit got real when this guy ran up on Archduke Franz Ferdinand and blasted him.” when writing an essay.

        That said, it’s painful to read.