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The original was posted on /r/firefox by /u/mateyman on 2023-08-19 23:04:12+00:00.
Let’s say I have 6 Firefox windows opened. If I go to my Windows taskbar and hover over Firefox, it will show those 6 windows in the order I opened them. If I were to save the session and close Firefox, when I open it again and it restores the 6 windows, it will still arrange them in the same manner regardless if i clicked on a window or not before closing session…
Usually, in Chrome if i have 5 open windows in random order such as 1 2 3 4 5 > if i click on window 5 and 3 > then close chrome > then open chrome and have it restore previous session > it will pull latest used windows to the right > so order becomes 1 2 4 5 3.
Essentially, I want the Windows taskbar for Firefox to mimic what happens when I press and hold Alt and press Tab, where Windows shows me all my open windows/files from most recently used to least used.
I hope this made sense lol