May be an incident where they could not understand how much things they take for granted cost to the normies, a flagrant disregard for morals or ethics, a blatant show of arrogance or disconnectedness, or anything yould like to share.

    5 months ago

    When I was paid to fly to the company owner’s summer home with a new computer so the owner could remote into the office from his summer home.

    I was given a months pay for two days of work, the owner just wanted the computer working when he got to his summer home.

    So yeah, that was when I saw someone just throwing money at a problem untill it went away.

    5 months ago

    A very rich friend of mine decided that they wanted to “take time off” and travel the world. She called her travel agent (10 pm on a Saturday) and got them to build a world trip by Monday afternoon. That Friday she got on a plane and just left for 9 months of travel. There was never a sense of this being a big deal or extravagant but more of a quirky whim.

    It was then that it occurred to me that while we live on the same planet we don’t live in the same world.

      5 months ago

      It’s this kind of shit that people don’t realize the ultra rich can do. They literally buy more time to live their lives.

      They don’t have to shop, cook, clean, do housework, do laundry, book tickets, plan travel, or even manage their own finances.

      They pay people to do all of that for them, gaining them more of their lives to enjoy.

      The rest of us have to put up with getting like 30% of our lives to ourselves.

    5 months ago

    When I was in my mid 30s driving back from Florida after closing out my dead mom’s apartment and so forth, I picked up a hitchhiker.

    He was a rich person parasite kind of. He would work as a bartender where daughters of wealthy families partied. He charmed them and became their boyfriend, and that’s how he survived. He was smart and industrious with clever business ideas so he charmed the daughter’s dads as well kind of. When he was tired of grifting them he just disappeared. I picked him up at the start of his latest disappearance.

    So anyway, yeah, during a 10 drive he clued me in to how wealthy people are offered services regular folks don’t even conceive of.

    5 months ago

    I was working in a restaurant and one day a regular invited us to his place for after work drinks. He opened the front door into a monumental hallway with beautiful winding stairs and a large mosaic monogram with his initials on the floor.

    We went into the main living area with a professionally decked out open kitchen, a 20 person dining table and a seating area with 4 large Chesterfields. The whole room is filled with art and antiques.

    He asked me if I wanted to pick a few bottles of wine because of my good taste ( I’m a trained sommelier). He then guided me to his library and opened a secret door that led into the wine cellar.

    Every large winehouse in the world was represented and he insisted on picking whatever I wanted. The sheer amount of stacks of Mouton Rotschild premier Cru, Tenuta Dan Guido - Sassicaia… We opened 4 bottles that would’ve cost about 10.000 euros together. No sweat.

    He told us that despite the nice kitchen he never cooks. He goes to restaurants every day and on the weekends he hires top chefs to cook for his guests.

    Then he asked us if we would like to go and have lunch in Milan, the next day (I’m from Belgium). He chartered a heli and had extra space for 3 persons.

    He’s a modest guy. Rides his bike everywhere and makes his money selling real estate. He only sells high value property like castles and works one day a week. He’s not extremely talented but admitted he’s just lucky.

    I realized that to become rich, you need money. Whether it’s your own or someone else’s doesn’t matter, you just need a lot.

  • Destroyer of Worlds
    5 months ago

    There was this new kid at (public) middle school we kinda started feeling sorry for. He was always dressed nice. Had an excuse for PE. Had a special lunch from the cafeteria because of dietary needs. Turns out his parents were super specialized doctors or surgeons or something. After a couple of months he said he could have one of person over at a time after school. I went over first on my skateboard. He had one that he didn’t know how to ride, so he walked. We get to his house and they have this amazing view of the water and mountains. A fucking indoor pool and jacuzzi. Green house in the middle of the entryway with tropical plants. The mom greeted us and makes us leave our skateboards outside, take off our shoes, and told us the house rules. She asked me what my parents did and was just kind of deadeyes when I told her (boring, middle class work). We went to his room that had a goddamn computer in, most households didn’t have anything like that at the time. He had his own private phone line, cable tv, and tons of plastic model cars and planes. He had an RC Car. I was blown away and then he shows me their entertainment room with a giant projector tv, air hockey, a film projector and screen, and a bunch of other shit I can’t remember. I feel like I spent about an hour there before the mom found us and sent me home because they were having dinner? Gee thanks lady, I guess you don’t want the poors coming back for free food. Or your son to have any friends. My other friends went over there (one at a time!) with the same results. Looking back, I guess his parents were trying to research what other kid’s parents might be wealthy enough for their son to hang out with. or maybe for them to entertain/socialize. It was pretty gross.

    • Altima
      5 months ago

      Now that I think about it, I had a “friend” like that. He wasn’t super wealthy, but when most of us were broke ass people living in apartments with one TV in the house, he had this nice modern house with a pool, gated driveway, and a housekeeper who would pick him up from school and walk him home.

      My mom was kinda friends with the housekeeper, since we’d walk the same route home as they were picking us up from school, and that’s how I became acquainted with him.

      I remember going to his house once and we played his turbo grafx in his room for a bit… well more like he played and let me watch. He seemed pretty disinterested with it. I never got invited back or anything.

      • Destroyer of Worlds
        5 months ago

        omg, the rich kid letting you watch…ugh, been there. that kid at my school had the nicest skate board you could buy and never once road it. Meanwhile we were mowing lawns to buy plywood for ramps, smoking weed, and chasing girls. I wouldn’t have traded his isolated life for mine, but I doubt he ended up going through the tough times me and my friends did. Tough times don’t build character, IMO, they just increase resentment towards the system.

        the culture of the wealth gap (or intentional moat) has always been there, embedded in our everyday lives from birth to death. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires indeed.

    5 months ago

    I was in a contemporary fine art market and I just hear visitors mentioning about owning a hotel in such a casual way, like how one would talk about owning a car.

      5 months ago

      The first security job I ever worked was for a rich girl’s 21st birthday party at her house, my main duty was making sure nobody went to the stables and bothered the racehorses. I heard one of the kids say that her dad owned 2 Toyotas & her mum owned a Subaru, and I thought maybe they’re not so different from me after all because my parents have the same cars. Turns out she was talking about owning the car dealerships.

  • Tiefling
    5 months ago

    Working retail in highschool in an area that is fairly low income but also intersects an area famous for celebrity vacation homes. The rich families would buy $1000 iPads for spoiled brats without any kind of breakage protection (after screaming at the retail workers for the screen not being indestructible, of course). The poor families always spent extra for protection because they valued their devices and couldn’t easily afford another one.

  • spicy
    5 months ago

    When I briefly dated a rich woman. She would drop hundreds of dollars on a whim and knew somebody at every club and restaurant to get us to the front of the line, the best seats, etc. It was like watching someone live in a dream world where they could get almost anything they wanted instantly. Sometimes I miss that feeling before remembering the full not so great reality of it, though

      5 months ago

      Sometimes I miss that feeling before remembering the full not so great reality of it, though

      Tell us!

      • spicy
        5 months ago

        Nothing particularly interesting. She was just a very possessive person and I’m pretty independent. So I tried really hard to make it work because honestly I wanted a sugar mama to support me through college. But we just weren’t compatible :(

    5 months ago

    Everyone lives in layers of self-constructed fantasy and coming into contact with reality is called trauma. At least according to Jacques Lacan.