You’re missing the point of ACAB. All cops are either bastards or they tolerate and join ranks behind the ones who are actually bastards - making them bastards as well. Whistleblower cops are not bastards, but they end up not being cops any more and often not being alive any more.
The Twitter user told us that he deleted the original joke after he become “educated on the topic of mothers who are imprisoned and the affect that has, not only on them, but their families.”
Big if true!
Can anyone find a study on this?
Snopes is a buzz kill.
A more interesting statistic to me is that police are the least likely to respond properly to a crime when it’s raining.
It is stupidly easy to distract a pig if you want to do crime. Rain, snow, a new blizzard at DQ… they are barely trained armed gang thugs, ACAB.
ACAB is a bit too broad of an insult.
Let’s specify this:
Most cops in America are bastards -> MCIAAB
Since in Europe the police is generally better than in USA but still not perfect:
A lot cops in Europe are bastards -> ALCIEAB
Rolls right of the tongue
You’re missing the point of ACAB. All cops are either bastards or they tolerate and join ranks behind the ones who are actually bastards - making them bastards as well. Whistleblower cops are not bastards, but they end up not being cops any more and often not being alive any more.
because its a stupid ass point from a outside point of view.
every good or neutral person joining is a win compared to a truly awful one that could have taken the spot instead.
its just the same old bland black and white tribalism.
So not only was it false but:
Guys, the moms have compromised Snopes.
Relevant xkcd
How deep does this go??