Hi folks, I’m trying to put my newly acquired HDDs to good use and at the same time manage the minuscule amount of storage my vps has. Since it is hosting several fedi services, I need some external storage and I figured I’d just tunnel some object storage from home.

So I set up a working wireguard connection from my homenetwork to the vps, connected the object storage (GarageHQ) to one end and probably will connect the fedi services (lemmy, mastodon, matrix, peertube) to the other.

Here comes the issue: do I have to make the respective wireguard instances a proxy for the services to be able to speak with each other or do I even have to make a site to site connection to connect the two docker networks?

The connection would look something like this: GarageHQ—WireguardHS—WireguardVPS—Mastodon|Mastodon—NginxPM—OpenWeb

Anyone got something like this to work so far? Am I overlooking something major?

Thanks for reading, have a good one.