previous chapter: Abetment [16]: 3.2: 2089, June 20th, Monday. 15:45

879 words

The woman runs towards Sarah with open arms, going for an embrace, but Sarah braces herself and pushes her away. Despite the metal face, Ellie can clearly see the expression of betrayal. But that is nothing compared to the expression of pure betrayal Sarah displays.

“What the hell, Mom” Sarah yells. “My new Mom searched years for you, scanning every network, turning every stone, never to find you. And today, after six years, you show up, try to kidnap my little sister, and try to shoot up her school.”

The woman doesn’t seem to process everything after the third word. “Your new Mom?” she blurts out. She doesn’t sound mad. Just weak. “Am I replaced?”

Sarah crosses her arms. “Where were you all these years? Why did you hide from me?”

“Darling, I” the woman stutters. “I didn’t hide from you. I thought you were dead. The ripper doc told me that you died. How are you alive.”

Ellie takes a few steps towards them. “Misses Fitzgerald, I feel like we should talk somewhere more private.”

She shakes her head. “It is Misses Rodriguez now.”

Sarah spits on the ground next to Misses Rodriguez. “Don’t tell me you married that asshole.”

Misses Rodriguez slants her eyes down. "He was there for me when I had nothing.

Ellie looks at Vicky, who is shielding her eyes from the sun rays peeking through the clouds. “Vicky, I know the sun is harming you. Please take Heather and go wait in the car, I’ll deal with this.”

Vicky nods, walks to the car Heather is hiding behind, and walks away with her. Miss Rodriguez doesn’t even seem to notice, she is too busy arguing with Sarah.

“My husband is a good man and a good father,” she yells at Sarah.

Sarah rolls her eyes. “No, it is not. I have seen the scars on Heather’s body, from his abuse. When Mom was out, I am the one who had to console her when she woke up from her nightmares.”

Miss Rodriguez gets even angrier. “Stop calling her Mom. She is not your mother, I am.”

“Please,” Sarah says. “You abandoned me.”

Miss Rodriguez covers her face with her hands and starts crying. “I know. But I want to make amends. Please, come home with me, to your stepdad, and little brother. And bring your sister. So we can be a family again.”

Sarah raises an eyebrow. “Little brother?”

“Yes.” Miss Rodriguez continues. “You have a baby brother. His name is Rohan and he is five years old.”

Sarah looks at Ellie and back at her Mom.

“So, you immediately forgot about Dad and me, and started a new family? Giving that asshole husband of you a new target to abuse.”

Ellie notices some red armoured vehicles pulling up to the school in the corner of her eye.


She wastes no time and takes out her cell phone. She sends “Leave now, Redbarrel has arrived, bring Heather to safety.” to Vicky. After getting a send confirmation, she drops her phone on the ground and smashes it with her boot.

She watches as her car, with Vicky and Heather in it, drives away from the parking lot, passing the armoured vehicles that are pulling up. Ellie takes a deep breath. At least Vicky and Heather are safe.

The large vehicles pull up next to them. They are painted bright red, like firetrucks, except for the large yellow letters painted on them. “Redbarrel”. One of the most feared private police forces in the northern continent.

The vehicles stop and soldiers appear. Wearing their full-body power armour, painted equally red, they aim their futuristic-looking rail guns at the three women. Sarah and Misses Rodriguez only now notice the commotion, and drop their argument, raising their hands.

One of them is not wearing a gun, and his uniform is sporting brighter colours. He walks to them casually and speaks to the three women. His helmet is made from white metal and is decorated with horns and winds, looking strangely medieval, aside from a large number of lights built into it.

He speaks with a low voice. “We got a report that two women pulled their guns right next to a school.”

Ellie looks at him. “Isn’t a minor gun incident below Redbarrel’s paygrade?”

Ellie hears a faint laugh from below the helmet. “Redbarrel decided to intervene after reports indicated that the standoff was between former president Fitzgerald’s wife and daughter. The current president has put protection of all family members of current and former members under Redbarrels jurisdiction.”

The shakes his head. “Imagine my surprise when the report came in. Both Jennifer Fitzgerald and Sarah Fitzgerald were presumed dead, and yet, they decided to pull guns on each other on school grounds. I would love to say that was the most surprising thing that happened to me today. But it isn’t.”

Ellie raises her eyebrow. “It isn’t?”

The man slowly removes his helmet, revealing his face. His right eye, his nose, most of his right cheek, and his mouth, are all replaced by cybernetics, but even tho most of his face is gone, Ellie recognises him with ease. Finn Griffith smiles. “Image my surprise when my long lost cousin was spotted at the scene.”

next chapter: Abetment [18]: 3.4: 2089, June 21st, Tuesday. 9:05

all chapters: Abetment