previous chapter: Abetment [5]: 1.5: 2083, May 8th, Saturday. 21:05

866 words

Vicky is sitting on the edge of the bathtub, while Lucas is inspecting her swollen, injured foot.

“How long did you walk around on this?”

“I don’t know, an hour or something, probably,” Vicky answers.

“Didn’t it, like hurt?” Lucas asks, grimacing his face."

“Yes, it hurt a lot. But honestly, my ribs hurt more. And I had more important things to worry about.”

Lucas sighs. “I guess we have to bring in the big guns.” He opens the first aid kit and takes out a large blue syringe with the word “ViroTherix” on it.

Vicky pulls her foot away. “What the hell are you doing.”

“Injecting your foot. Please hold still.”

“No,” Vicky yells. “This thing costs over ten thousand eurodollars a for each syringe.”

Lucas shrugs. “The Robot gave it to me and said I could use it. I am sure they aren’t gonna send us the bill.”

Vicky shakes her head. “I am not so sure.”

Lucas grabs her foot again, and Vicky kicks it away.

Lucas sighs. “Even if they send us the bill, your health is way more important than money”

Vicky sighs. “I am sure there is a cheaper way. I could have my foot amputated and get a bionic one.”

Lucas shakes his head. “Look at the rest of your blisters. You spend a lot of time covered in radioactive waste. Any one of your blisters could be cancerous. This injection will clear all cancer cells from your system. Please just let me inject it.”

Vicky hangs her head. She knows her brother is right. But it still doesn’t feel right. If Thorn will send the bill, and he probably will, then it will put them in debt again. Then the hard work she has done to get them out of debt would be for nothing. Then she would have sold her body for nothing. She can’t accept that.

Before she can protest, Lucas already jabbed the syringe into her foot. It feels like fire is spreading through her veins. But it strangely lessens her pain.

Now that the stinging pain lessens, Vicky can no longer hold back her tears. He crawls into her brother’s arms and starts sobbing. “I am so sorry.” She cries. “I really messed up. I never should have taken the job. This is all my fault.”

Lucas taps her back. “Hey, hey. It is not your fault. Never say that. You couldn’t have known. And everything is going to be ok. I promise.”

Vicky lets her tears flow. She doesn’t even care anymore, about appearing strong in front of her brother. Despite still being inside a crime lord’s lair, she felt safe here, curled up in her brother’s arms.

The robot drives into the bathroom, pushing the door open with a thud.

“Thorn wants to relate the message that she does not have time to see you tonight. However, you are free to spend the night here, she will see you in the morning. There is a room provided for each of you.”

The screen on the Robot’s head still displays are huge smile.

“What if we refuse?” Vicky asks.

“You are not a prisoner. You can leave or go home if you want. But I must advise you to stay. Your face is plastered over the news, and the police might soon find out you are not in custody. It’s better if you stay here for your own safety.”

“I am not comfortable staying at the home of someone I don’t even know the name of.”

“Very well. I will relay your message. Thorn is currently unavailable, but Sage is available. I will relay the message to her.”

And before Vicky or Lucas can react, the robot drives out.

Lucas slowly stands up, and hands Vicky the bundle of clothes. “Please get dressed, I am sure a proper fixer would not appreciate meeting someone wearing only underwear and a towel. I’ll wait outside.”

While Lucas is outside, Vicky changes into new clothes. Even tho the fabric itches every blister on her body, she enjoys the feeling of fresh, clean clothes. She looks at her bandaged foot and decides not to put on socks and shoes.

She stumbles out of the bathroom, still unable to fully put her weight on her left foot, and opens the bathroom door.

Lucas is standing in the hallway, talking to a tall, blonde woman. She looks to be about 23 years old. Vicky walks over to her, in big steps, as fast as her injured body lets her.

“Are you Thorn?” she asks. Or maybe it sounds more demanding. Whatever, she is the victim here. She demands answers.

The woman smiles at Vicky. “No, I am Sage. Nice to meet you again, Vicky. How long has it been? Six years?”

Vicky stares at the woman. Does she know her? Now that she mentioned it, she does seem familiar.


“Sophia?” Vicky exclaims. “Are you Sage?”


“Does that mean that Ellie is Thorn?”

Sophia smiles. “Exactly.”

Vicky shakes her head. “I am so confused. What is going on.”

Sophia smiles “It is late. Ellie will explain in the morning. But have some rest first. You really need it.”

next chapter: Abetment [7]: 1.7: 2083, May 8th, Saturday. 21:40

all chapters: Abetment