previous chapter: Abetment [9]: 2.1: 2083, September 29th, Wednesday. 9:05

933 words

The president looks up when a short, red-headed woman enters the office. “Hello, Stephanie.” He says. He bows slightly.

Stephanie does not return the bow, or the greeting and just looks at him. The president looks uncomfortable and forces a smile. “Please take a seat.”

Stephanie spins the chair around and demonstratively sits on it the wrong way around, with the backrest between her legs. She obnoxiously chews some gum, with her mouth wide open. She then picks the gum from her mouth with her fingers and places it on the bottom of the chair, while keeping eye contact with the president.

Who does this lady think she is? Disrespecting the president like that?

Leslie shakes her head. She realises that Stephanie can destroy the country with one press of a button. So in a way, the disrespectful lady is the most powerful person in the country. Maybe the president is right to not call her out on her behaviour, even tho he is visibly disguised by her.

The president tries to speak, but Stephanie raises her hand and stops him.

“Let me speak first.” She says.

She shows Leslie, Mr Armstrong, and the president a large cybernetic device on her arm.

“This device will, if I press this button, if I die, or if it is destroyed, upload my execute request to the Catherine servers. So if you are planning to confine, or execute me, think again.”

The president looks really annoyed. “Yes, you already made that clear. You can ruin the country. You have us at gunpoint. I understand.”

Stephanie smiles. “I am not sure you understand. If I press this button, the Catherine servers will try to pay out the money I deserve. They will first access the reserves of the central bank. When they prove insufficient, they will also access the liquid funds of the T.N.Y.N.E. Then it will try to auction off all assets.”

The president tries to interrupt, but Stephanie raises her hand again, gesturing for him to remain silent. Leslie looks at them in disbelief. When she sold those options, she never thought it would lead to this.

Stephanie continues. “You sighed an executive order allowing the country to seize its citizen’s liquid and solid assets in emergencies. Many citizens, most of the opposition party and almost all financial experts were against it, but you did it anyway.”

The president looks dumbstruck.

“When the Catherine server notices both the central bank and the country itself don’t have enough money, it will start this procedure. It will empty people’s bank accounts and sell their houses and cars on the international market. When I say ‘all citizens’ I mean all citizens. All the citizens combined don’t have enough money. Your fancy house upstate, your daughter’s college fund and your expensive car will all be gone. People will be unable to buy food, clothes, or water. The whole Territories from Pennsylvania to Maine will devolve into chaos.”

The president looks at her in horror. Leslie never saw someone so scared. “What do you want?” He asks.

Stephanie smiles. Not a nice, warm smile, more like a grim. She looks like a hawk eying up her prey.

"First, " Stephanie says. “I want non of my demands, nor the fact that the country owns me this much money, to ever be revealed to the public.”

The president shrugs. “That seems in both of our interests.”

“Second,” Stephanie continues. “I want you to make a statement that after a long investigation, you concluded that the Vice President was responsible for the nuclear explosion.”

Leslie spits out her drink. What the hell is she asking? Is she crazy?

“Third.” Stephanie counts visibly on her fingers. “I want you to pick me as the VC’s replacement.”

“Why would I -” the president tries to interject, but Stephanie drones on.

“Four. I want you to then step down yourself cause you feel ashamed for having worked together with a nuclear terrorist. Then your Vice President, me, will step in as acting president.”

The president stares at her. “So this is a coup?”

Stephanie laughs maniacally. “Exactly. Now, you have two options. Either you meet my demands, and live the rest of your life in your fancy house with your wife and daughter, receiving a large presidential pension. Or you do not, and everything you ever worked for is gone, and your daughter’s future is ruined.”

The president looks at Mr Armstrong and Leslie. Leslie is afraid to meet his gaze. This is all her fault. She should have known Stephanie had a plan. And she just played in her hand, betting the lives and likelihood of millions of people. Just for a quick buck.

“And if I meet your demands, you won’t execute your put options?”

Stephanie laughs. “Oh, I still will. But I will do it slowly enough so that I don’t permanently destroy the economy. So taxes will have time to refill the whole in the bank and countries pool of money.”

The president looks hopefully at Leslie and Mr Armstrong as if he hopes they will provide him with a way out.

Mr Armstrong speaks up. “With all respect Mr president, I think you have no choice.”

The president sighs. “Can we discuss this decision alone?” He asks Stephanie.

Stephanie smiles. “Sure. You have until tomorrow midnight to comply with my demands. Else I will press this button.” She rests her fingers on the giant button on her arm implant.

“Very well.” the president says.

“I see myself out.” Stephanie stands up and walks out of the room.

next chapter: Abetment [11]: 2.3: 2083, September 29th, Wednesday. 11:15

all chapters: Abetment