previous chapter: Abetment [11]: 2.3: 2083, September 29th, Wednesday. 11:15

1033 words

Heather looks at her spoon, filled with tomato soup. As if the soup on the spoon is magically going to disappear when she stares long enough at it.

“Darling, your soup is getting cold,” Ellie says.

Heather grimaces. “Are there carrots in my soup?”

“Yes, little angel.”

“My Mommy always makes it without carrots.”

Ellie sighs. “I will leave the carrots out next time. Can you please eat it?”

Heather reluctantly puts the spoon in her mouth.

Sophia storms into the room. “Holy shit Ellie, turn on the news.”

“Can you please not curse in front of Heather? Sophia.”

“Oh,” she says. “Right, sorry. But you need to see this.”

She aims her phone at the wall-mounted screen, and it comes to life. A middle-aged-looking new reporter appears on the screen and starts reading the news.

“After a long and thoughtful investigation, we have found the identity of the elusive criminal, who calls themselves Thorn.”

What the fuck.

“Some of you might recognise the name, but besides a crimelord who offers any server to the highest bidder, Thorn is also believed to have acquired a sizable amount of radioactive material. We do believe they are responsible for the nuclear strike on New York City and believe they were planning another one. Luckily, the authorities could intervene and foil their evil plan.”

Ellie’s side eyes Sophia. “You said the nuclear fuel we bought for the reactor was untraceable.”

Sophia just throws an apologetic look.

The reporter continues “The president will soon reveal the name of the crimelord, stay tuned to hear more.”

Ellie sighs. “Should we evacuate?”

Sophia shrugs, “I am not sure.”

The reporter drones on "In local news, residents of New York City are shaken up by the violent murder of Leslie Fowler. This woman, who worked for the central bank, was stabbed inside of her own apartment. Authorities think it was a break in going wrong. Some junkies looking for money.

“This is the second tragedy to strike the central bank today. Earlier, the Chief Executive Officer, Reagan Armstrong, died after contracting food poisoning from a badly prepared seafood dish.”

Ellie ignores the newscaster. “Heather, let me get you back to your room.”

Heather looks at Ellie and stands up, happy she got an excuse to leave her bowl of soup. She picks up her stuffed toy as the robot grabs her other hand and walks with her out of the room.

“So, what is the plan,” Sophia asks.

“This might be a trap, a way to lure us out. They might also be completely wrong. If they did know I am Thorn, they wouldn’t tip their hand.”

Sophia nudges Ellie. “The president is on.”

Ellie looks back to the television and indeed sees the face of the president of the Northeast Territories.

“Good evening, dear citizens of the Middle Atlantic and New England Territories. I need to inform you, that the identity of Thorn, the elusive criminal, has been confirmed to be Jasper Bale, the vice president of the Middle Atlantic and New England Territories.”

“As we speak, Jasper Bale has been relieved from duty. He has been brought to jail, and his residence is being swept by federal agents as we speak.”

Ellie almost drops her mug as she stares at the television.

“In this light, I have already selected a new vice president. She is a business owner from the Western States. I can promise you she is a true politician, she knows how to navigate politics and get things done. Please applaud our new Vice President, Stephanie Smith.”

Ellie now actually drops her mug as she watches Stephanie walk into the frame, waving at the crowd in front of the presidential grounds.

Jennifer looks out of the window of her vacation home. She always liked the boathouse lying on the coast of Lake Ontario. The water calms her down. She looks at the kitchen table and sees her twelve-year-old daughter Sarah playing a game on her tablet. She jumps when she hears the doorbell ring. Who the hell could this be?

She checks the front door camera and sees it is her husband. He is wearing a t-shirt, sweatpants, and a baseball cap. In one hand he holds a suitcase, and in the other a bouquet of flowers.

She rushes through the front door and opens it.

“Hi Jennifer,” he says.

“Hi, darling. I didn’t think you would visit. With the situation with the Vice Precedent and all.”

Her Husband laughs. “I have some great news. Can I come in?”


They walk to the kitchen, where he puts the flowers into a vase and puts the vase on the kitchen table.

“Look who is here, Sarah,” Jennifer says.

Sarah looks up from her tablet. “Hi, Dad.”

“So,” Jennifer says. “How long has it been? Two months?”

“Yes.” her husband says. “But I promise I will spend more time with you and Sarah in the future.”

“I heard that promise before.”

“Well, this time it is true. I decided to resign as president.”

“Really?” Jennifer can’t believe her ears. “You promise?”

“My resignation has already been recorded. It will be broadcasted tonight. There is no going back.”

“Why? You love being president. You worked hard for it. Why would you give that up?”

The president laughs. “Yesterday, a woman came into my office, and convinced me you guys were way more important than the presidency.”

“Really, a random woman suddenly convinced you?”

“She was really persuasive.”

“I am sure she was.”

Jennifer hands her husband a box standing on the kitchen counter. “By the way, this box arrived earlier. It is addressed to you.”

He takes a knife from the drawer and opens the box. It contains a strange metal device. It looks like a bunch of wires wrapped around two metal cylinders. There is a message written on it in big letters.

“You are the last one alive that knows. I need to tidy up loose ends. I am sorry.”

Jennifer looks at her husband, dumbfounded. “What the hell does that mean?”

But before he can answer, the device explodes. The last thing Jennifer sees is a flash of light.

next chapter: Abetment [13]: 2.5: 2083, October 1st, Friday. 11:05

all chapters: Abetment