I’m asking because I’ve seen someone who said “fuck democracy” brought up and I haven’t seen any discussions of democracy. I’m not for democracy for many reasons. Under capitalism, the rich will fund very militant propaganda to ensure they get the results they want, not to mention the bribing going on to get politicians to do what they want them to do (this isn’t to say politicians aren’t rich, but the rich are dragons and will hoard wealth without any logic to it). Furthermore, I genuinely do not believe common people should concern themselves with how complicated running the world is, nor does the average person have the time to even familiarize themselves with one topic adequately, hence why there’s not even experts on general topics, but topics within these general topics, as making informed, good decisions requires a metric ton of poop on pig balls of knowledge. And democracy isn’t even real in the 1st and 2nd world countries most of the time. You vote on parties who make up their program, which they seldom ever follow (if they even have one and if they do, it tends to be so vague you’d think they’re describing eldritch horrors beyond human comprehension and lack the words to put it with), have no means of holding them accountable and generally, unless you’re pro status quo or pro status quo with even more anti-minority programs, you’re not represented. On one hand I like the approach some countries have where the voters actually vote on passing laws, on the other it requires people to be adequately informed which requires so much time. It would be nice if everyone had the ability to participate, but what if they’re not predisposed to meddling in the language laws are written in? Do they not deserve being represented and having their needs protected and represented by law? I cannot find one reason to be for democracy and while technocracy sounds good, it doesn’t really have an estabilished way of how we come to select the representatives, especially considering the corruption present in current academics.

Pls enlighten me I’m a dummy twink hnnn biblically-accurate-kitty