• BassaForte@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You do understand that you can cast your vote without being in complete agreement with a party, right?

    I’m voting dem because the other party is vehemently anti-women, anti-trans, anti-rights, and arguably fascist down to the very definition (not just a “hunch” like you seem to think dems are). I’m not voting R or third party because that would be agreeing to the death sentence of democracy outright.

    And if I’m a “cheerleader”, that makes you one as well, lol.

    • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Who am I cheerleading? I’m politically homeless in this country. I have the option between fascists who want to leave the future of humanity to Christian nationalism, and a party of incompetent,completely delusional neoliberal and neocons, with a very small progressive minority, whom the party will happily fund Republicans to run against.

      A good metaphor for the current political situation is the current political situation in Ukraine. The world has had a weak, mealy mouthed response to supporting Ukraine, because as Zelinksky has said, they don’t really want Russia to lose. They’re too scared of the uncertainty that might leave them with.

      It’s the same with Democrats. They don’t really want to destroy or eliminate the Republican party, because at their core they have the same policy goals. And the good cop/ bad cop schtick works on voters whose brains are contaminated by a naivety baked into them from too many Disney and Marvel movies.

      It’s not Republicans ratfucking progressives in this country: it’s the DCCC and Democrats. Democrats are going to go along with all the worst ideas of the Republican party they don’t feel like they need to come over and get your vote by supporting the policies that you are projecting onto them as being in support of.

        • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Oh both sides are NOT the same. Republicans actually fight tooth and nail to get the policies of their voters into place. Its a bummer that the policies their voters want are horrible and anti-human, but as politicians, they do their jobs.

          Democrats don’t fight for the policies their voters want, and aren’t willing to do what it takes to overcome the forces that oppose them. At this point, its the Democrats in the house basically pursing the Republican agenda for them. Fuck that, fuck them, and fuck you if you support that.

          You are losing this election for us dude. And its because of your rhetoric, which is basically a clone of DNC/ DCCC/ mainstream media talking points. You (along with the Democrats) are completely failing to grow the party base in any meaningful way, and have basically abandoned the left at this point. The left is who has put you into power every time, and every time, you’ve slapped them in the face for it. The kids aren’t having it and neither am I.

          You and the Democrats can either do better, or you can fail.

          • BassaForte@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I’m… Losing you the election? Lmao what? Did you not read my comment above that says I’m voting against the anti-women, anti-trans rhetoric of the right? I’m sorry but it’s a life or death situation for me. I’m not going to vote for my own hanging, thank you very much.

            I don’t think you’re getting it through your thick skull that while I don’t necessarily like dems fully, they’re the only realistic option. The election has two realistic outcomes: Trump wins, and I face grave danger, or Biden wins, and I at least get the chance to see another presidential election in 4 years. And if you can’t see that or agree with that, fuck you right back.

            • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Biden can’t win if he doesn’t move to the left, at least on Israel. And he’s not going to.

              And just ‘by the numbers’, as of current polling, Biden can’t win.

              If Biden can’t win, and you can’t think of a different approach to the situation other than continuing to support a failed party and a failed candidate, that’s on you. You should probably focus your efforts on developing an effective emigration strategy.