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The original was posted on /r/techsupportmacgyver by /u/GooseZen on 2023-08-21 21:28:29+00:00.

We’ve been getting a ton of posts lately that seem to think this is a subreddit for actual tech support, mostly because r/techsupport has a no-images policy. Obviously, they shouldn’t be posting here either, but the mods can only do so much. I know they do clean up what they can when they see it.

Right now, it doesn’t look like this subreddit has any posted community rules. Maybe we need some?

How do you feel we should deal with people asking for tech support here? Some people are actually trying to help them, which while its nice, I think sends the wrong message. Should we just report to the mods and not help them? Personally, I prefer to just post sarcastic macguyveresque “solutions”, and think it’d be awesome to see people asking for help just get answers about duct-taping pringles cans to their cell phones.

How do you think we should handle the lost souls?