Counterpoint - when I started working out, I started feeling less hunger and ate less automatically. Shit’s connected. Just start somewhere, don’t think about what’s the most efficient and just do it.
Well, the narrative is that fat people are lazy and simply need to exercise more to lose weight. But this is not scientifically true. I’m posting this video again because it summarizes the scientific study situation in just 6 minutes.
Nah, I just felt like a non-verified personal anecdote that tells you the opposite of scientific facts should be corrected. I found the video while looking for a quick, credible proof and edited it in my first comment because it is exactly what I was looking for.
You still need to workout if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Research has shown that being sedentary has a worse effect to health compared to smoking. Also, don’t forget about the mental health benefits to working out.
Changing you diet is much more effective than working out. Being fat is a natural response to an unnatural food environment.
Counterpoint - when I started working out, I started feeling less hunger and ate less automatically. Shit’s connected. Just start somewhere, don’t think about what’s the most efficient and just do it.
Well, the narrative is that fat people are lazy and simply need to exercise more to lose weight. But this is not scientifically true. I’m posting this video again because it summarizes the scientific study situation in just 6 minutes.
What a weird response to a personal success story. Are just here to get more views for the video you’ve posted 3 times?
Nah, I just felt like a non-verified personal anecdote that tells you the opposite of scientific facts should be corrected. I found the video while looking for a quick, credible proof and edited it in my first comment because it is exactly what I was looking for.
You still need to workout if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Research has shown that being sedentary has a worse effect to health compared to smoking. Also, don’t forget about the mental health benefits to working out.
Agreed! But diet trumps exercise, so start there.
You maybe be right, but using a fucking YouTube video? Seriously, that’s about as reliable as the “proof” flat earthers use…
I agree, it seems shady. But watch it, it’s only 6 minutes long and packed with scientific research. :)
I agree, there’s two really significant variables:
food and drink
movement and posture
The rest is less important.