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The original was posted on /r/gaminglaptops by /u/Dzemael on 2023-08-25 18:11:40+00:00.
Hi there! I just recently got a new Predator Helios Neo 16 and so far it’s been working great.
Something that’s gotten irritating, though, is that sometimes, if I’m watching a video on youtube, typing, or just if anything on my screen changes in some way, it looks almost like text and pictures are vibrating. I don’t really know how to describe it, I’m pretty sure it’s a screen issue because I can’t take a screenshot of what it looks like. I’m pretty new to laptop terminology, though, and I’m not sure how to be more specific, so I haven’t found anything about this issue anywhere else, but perhaps there’s a term I’m missing. I just want to figure out how to solve it, or if I need to take it in and get it fixed. I haven’t had any other issues in the last few weeks that I’ve had it.
Thank you so much!
Edit: After posting this, I clicked on another post, and the screen “split” into two, as if there were two of the exact same tabs on top of each other, and then opening a tab seems to have fixed both issues, where the screen is not split and the text is not vibrating, so I’m assuming that’s related? It’s happened a few times, I just start scrolling in a tab and it “splits”.