[Image Description]: A meme in the style of anti-piracy ads stating the following:

You wouldn’t pirate a game you already paid for to be able to play it again since the company stopped supporting it and no longer sells it

    • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
      1 month ago

      Nobody owns all the thousands of games available for their emulators or thousands of blu-rays

      And companies fail to acknowledge that not every download is a lost sale. The people who have downloaded thousands of games for their emulators would not have purchased those thousands of games if emulation wasn’t available.

      people who just indiscriminately download everything available

      Case in point. Just because they’re downloading it “because it’s free” doesn’t mean they were going to purchase “everything available” but find it all for free instead. They are likely not even consuming most of it anyway, and just collecting.

      It is absurd that Nintendo will spend money to shut down a webpage hosting “Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link” when that’s not something they will ever sell again. Someone pirating Baldur’s Gate 3 because they don’t want to pay for it doesn’t change the absurdity of keeping a stranglehold on a 37 year old game.

    • Klara@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      1 month ago

      I guess I mostly agree, though, I disagree that it isn’t acknowledged. From what I see, piracy oftentimes is explicitly precisely just because people want something for free (myself included tee-hee).

      The preservation argument has gotten a lot more prevalent, and I agree that there are a lot of people who use that as a justification for pirating while not actually working to preserve the media they pirate, but I at least see far more people who don’t justify it at all. Not that they have to, IMHO.