As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
I loved how Sigiswald walked into that discussion with a “here I am your handsome prince” aura and at the end was just sort of begging to get out of there, he was so overwhelmed.
Benno is such a good teacher.
So many laugh out loud moments, including the part where he remarks, “Now I understand Eherenfest’s sudden rise…”
The dude just got completely blindsided, not even Anastasius has seen this side of Rozemyne to warn him beforehand. Even then he probably would have dismissed any comments about her as exageration, no way a little girl could be so ruthless.
“I’m going to be the king of this country and I just got bested by a little girl, that can’t be right. Obviously that must not have happened.”
But it’s interesting that he thinks, “Wait, do I really want to marry this girl?” instead of “Holy crap, I need this girl bound to me in the royal family working this magic for me!”
I loved how Sigiswald walked into that discussion with a “here I am your handsome prince” aura and at the end was just sort of begging to get out of there, he was so overwhelmed.
Benno is such a good teacher.
So many laugh out loud moments, including the part where he remarks, “Now I understand Eherenfest’s sudden rise…”
The dude just got completely blindsided, not even Anastasius has seen this side of Rozemyne to warn him beforehand. Even then he probably would have dismissed any comments about her as exageration, no way a little girl could be so ruthless.
“I’m going to be the king of this country and I just got bested by a little girl, that can’t be right. Obviously that must not have happened.”
But it’s interesting that he thinks, “Wait, do I really want to marry this girl?” instead of “Holy crap, I need this girl bound to me in the royal family working this magic for me!”