I’ve heard that you should be using the appropriate stage3 archive for the profile you want to use, but what exactly are the differences between them? I’m asking this because I want to try doing a Hardened/SELinux/Musl/LLVM install, and there’s a profile for that, but not the stage3 archive. I was thinking of starting with either Hardened/Musl or LLVM/Musl. Any thoughts on that?
just keep in mind the hardened profile mostly kicks in at compile time by using a compiler thats had its defaults tweaked thanks to the hardened use flag., so you’d probably want to do a total rebuild (emerge -e world) if you want everything built from a hardened clang.
yeah, that last bit is kind of handy, last time i tried llvm on gentoo before moving to nixos, it was kind of annoying to have to manually enter packages that can’t use clang to package.use