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The original was posted on /r/piracyarchive by /u/Supern0va_05 on 2023-08-27 01:01:09.

Hi! I need a bit of guidance on how to check and scan files I download. When I was younger I used to download whatever from wherever and it obviously resulted in having to do a hard reset on my computers. Recently I got a new one, better processing and stuff so I wanted to put a few games on it, and I have a 3d printer so a few design programs would be good, but I don’t want to fill it with viruses again so my question is: How do I properly check the files I’m installing? Is there a website or a program for it? Or how do I set up a virtual machine so that no viruses get to my actual computer? Is there any good antivirus out there or do I have to manually check? Any comment is welcome, thanks!