The original post: /r/selfhosted by /u/XxnatsugaxX on 2024-07-01 21:08:41.

Hello together,

I’m a member of a club. We’re excersicing a sport, where equippment is necassary. We give new members, who don’t have gear of their own, some of our own.

Right now we’re organizing everything trough WhatsApp. But as the club is growing that becomes unsustainable.

Therefore we’re looking for a solution to organize this whole ordeal.

Mainly it should list all the equippment we’re currently giving out.

The user should than be able to click a button to reserve said gear for a specific day.

After that the person lending the gear, should be informed, if possible.

We tought about writing our own solution, but maybe someone has a solution? I also checked out some solutions, but they either are very price (500 USD or more) or don’t offer the functionality we need.