While there is no official definition for the term, Blue MAGA has been used to describe those who are fierce advocates of the so-called “vote blue no matter who” initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way.

The term has also been used for Biden supporters who have pushed misleading comments, or attacked the media, while defending the president. The suggestion being this unbridled support is more commonly associated with Trump’s loyalist MAGA following.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    We called them Pumas in 2008, but it’s the same people.

    For those not aware, PUMA was the movement Hillary’s team started. It was Party Unity My Ass, and was trying to get Dems to vote against Obama in the general in an attempt to show progressivism wasn’t popular and the party needed to move right.

    It didn’t work, but they were always going to say the party had to move right anyways. Doesn’t matter what happens, they’re gonna keep saying it.


    They’re rarely rational and if you question any of their talking points they start screeching insults.

    They showed back up in 2016, I don’t know why people act like they’re a new thing now. They’re like fucking cicadas, every 8 years or so they show up and make a shit ton of annoying noise. Then after the election they seem to disappear overnight

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        And Obama still flipped a bunch of solid red states and carried downballot races there too.

        We didn’t need them then and we don’t need them now.

        Like, if we just kept running young (under 50) charismatic candidates with progressive sounding campaigns wed be set.

        People want to pretend Bill and Barrack weren’t two of our youngest presidents or that they didn’t run progressive campaigns. That’s what the voters want, that’s what works, so that’s what we should give them.

        Instead the party keeps using trump as an excuse to run candidates no one wants like Joe and Hillary.

        It’s fucking insane. Like if you’re in a life or death free throw competition so you shoot blindfolded. It doesn’t matter if your opponent is so bad you might still win, it’s too big of a risk to be fucking around.

        • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          That’s what happens when the people making the decisions are never forced to suffer any of the consequences for their actions.