Ok people, im gonna try to make this as short as possible so i dont go off rambling. Married 3 yrs, together 7, for a large portion of that time I (M43) have not been able to find decent, long term work, despite having good credentials and tons of experience in the IT industry. Her (F37), barber with about 15 yrs experience in the industry. I finally found something, good, not too difficult work, good people, decent money. So literally on the DAY of my first paycheck, she calls me and says that her best friend (who she works with as well), decided to walk out due to the boss verbally abusing her. So SHE says, “i think im going to quit too, ive wanted to for a while”. I say i dont like the idea, and maybe instead of trying to teach her boss a “lesson” she stay for a while as we are JUST getting financial stability now that i am working as well. She wont listen, and quits/walks out the door. So, this was a few days ago, and she is partnering with an associate of mine to make money, and has a bunch of other “plans” in the works. Now here is the kicker: she did EXACTLY the same thing 7 years ago, SAME boss, SAME company, SAME situation (friend quits, so i will too). This caused a full 3 years of messing around at jobs she didnt like until she WENT BACK to that job (4 yrs ago). So, I have been thinking about “moving on” for a long time, as i just dont feel like im living the life i could be.

  • 🧟‍♂️ Cadaver@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    YTA. It mirht be a bad decision and on that you should elaborate with her.

    However, her leaving her job because of bad management is her choice. She is right to do so.

    You should speak with her and tell her that you respect her decision to leave, but she should pursue something serious. I know tou want financial stability but… Ultimately that means that for years she had to pull your weight, now it’s time for you to do the same.