• jorp@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The point isn’t just to take their money and redistribute it it’s to get rid of a profit driven and privately owned system in favor of a democratic economy where workers get the value of their labor.

    Think of all the private enterprises that reproduce so much work between themselves. Why does every merger get followed by huge layoffs and restructuring? Because we have so much wasted redundant effort.

    Consider also how much overproduction we have when it comes to basic needs. People don’t go hungry because of lack of food, we waste food on an industrial scale. People don’t go unclothed because of lack of clothes, we have dedicated landfills for “fast fashion” items that don’t even get sold before being tossed let alone worn once. We have more houses than unhoused by a double digit factor.

    All of this waste because we let profit guide production and let private ownership reap all of the value. An economy for the people and owned by the people would give you more benefit than $1000.

    I’m proposing a cooperative economy rather than a competitive economy. I’m proposing socialism.