I’ve been thinking about how to classify transids, mostly for my convenience organizing the transid wiki I’m involved in, but also as a general philosophical exercise. What I ended up with for now is that transids can be of the following types: transbody (this is an actual term that was already coined and described), transexperience (someone I know is working on defining it), transmentality (I do not know if anyone thought of this term or concept before).

The interesting thing is, many transids present as more than one type at once. Being transabled may be both a transbody and a transexperience identity, being transspecies most likely covers all three, so does being transage. Transids that belong fully to one type are in general connected to some features that describe smaller and more isolated parts of self (transchromia or transprofession). So if I were to actually present the classification of transids on some kind of a diagram, I’d end up with a lot of overlaps. I may try one day.