I knew I was transrace for a very long time at this point. But it wasn’t until like 2022 or so that I actually met an online community. In fact there really wasn’t one until then. And trust me, I looked. Back when I first realized I was trace I didn’t know anything about how the world would feel about it other than the tiny bit of info I knew about Rachel dolezal, and that fiasco with her was only less than a year before. It was like 2016 and I was 15 when I realized it but I felt out of place with my identity since I was like 12. I was nervous and alone for so long, and for about a year I went into denial about who I was because I was scared. I didn’t want to face the world or what people might think, but I am feeling a little better now that I have friends who are like me. I still have major challenges and a lot of fear, and I really need to stop caring so much about what tracephobes think of me, but I’m getting better and healing by the day. To all my friends, thank you for being there A flag with teal, dark teal, blue, dark purple, and purple stripes, with a white leaf in the middle.