The Python Steering Council has decided to suspend a core Python developer for three months for alleged Code of Conduct violations.

Citing the recommendation of the Code of Conduct Working Group, Python developer Thomas Wouters revealed on behalf of the Steering Council that the unidentified developer was deemed to have repeatedly violated the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Code of Conduct.

The suspended developer is Tim Peters, who told The Register it was fine to name him but declined to comment – beyond observing that one of his objections to the governance process is the secrecy involved.

  • So the discussion about behaviors that mirror the suspension is not about the guy that was suspended? Come on.

    In reference to the sexual harassment item: Tim, obviously.

    If somebody hears “discussed sexual harassment” and immediately says, “You must mean Tim Peters,” I think the context of the whole thread is pretty clear.

      1 month ago

      It’s clearly referring to people in the plural. If the person on the council most vocally defending the council’s decision to suspend can’t say it in a reasonably straightforward manner, the simpler explanation is that that is not what they are talking about.

      • In the same comment from Smith:

        I want to assure everyone that the points we made in the original post were so pointed exactly because of the complaints we received from community members.

        The “points” being three of the items that appeared on the suspension. This is specifically about Tim Peters.

        So to sum up: they received complaints specifically about Peters. Then said people (plural) complain and that’s how they hear about it. If that’s not clear, it’s not the author’s fault.

          1 month ago

          The same comment touches on several topics, replying to 2 different people. These two statements being in the same comment is not evidence of them being about the same thing, and if the author expected readers to get that from it, it is absolutely the author’s fault if their words got misinterpreted.

          And in the next paragraph:

          We importantly chose not to call anyone out by name in the there because our expectations aren’t about one person. All of us need to be aware of what is and isn’t okay and a lot of people were involved in the problematic threads, even if Tim, as self-identified here, was one big part

          Again referring to multiple people.

            1 month ago

            Referring to multiple people, Tim being a big part of those people. So it’s primarily about Peters. You put it right there. Claiming it’s not just about him in pedantics and weak af.

            I can’t tell if you picked up on my meaning when I mentioned the author’s fault. If you didn’t, maybe you’re not great at interpretation.

      1 month ago

      Having read the comment in context, I think Gregory was reaching. Tim generally communicates in a disarming manner and simply observed that he doesn’t like how “sexual harassment training” sounds and prefers not to use that phrase.

      It’s also not clear if posts have been deleted or altered, so I might be missing something.

      • Complaining about what it’s called isn’t what a person taking it seriously would do. It’s disruptive or subversive at best. With the general picture of his behavior from the suspension and his responses in the thread, I’m disinclined to believe his comments were merely said in a disarming manner.