Herka durka mohammed jihad
Oh, durka durka durka.
stereotyping? And not even good at it?
strawberry! from Maz Jobrani
Team america world police. It’s a movie. Whoosh is the sound of the reference going over your head.
i forget, at times, that i have to watch every damn stupid movie that anybody may want to use as a reference. excuse me
how does the reference alter the meaning of what you wrote? can you explain?
Just google “hurka durka mohammed jihad”
now that i’ve watched your reference, your comment under the above image is still stereotyping.
no thanks for making me watch that crass clip
It was supposed to be satire. Maybe you need a sense of humor.
it doesn’t become funny, just because you think that it’s satirical.
you saw the above image and you went directly to a stereotype that has nothing to do with it.
Chicks love beards, it’s just a fact.
My chick used to love sitting on my beard until she got too big. Alas, chicks turn into adults at some point.
Also, I miss having a hot, young chick sitting on my beard, but I don’t miss her pooping on my chest.
She’s older now, and lays like crazy, but she’s not the little thing I bought originally.