Telling me I can’t use my phone in public because for some reason you have Japan-train-levels of silence expectation is not being nice.
Public is public, as long as it breaks no noise laws I am free to listen to my entire family friendly MLP fanfic audiobook archive and you have zero right to be judgmental. All of modern society has conspired to erase our public squares and meeting places and replace it all with a maze of asphalt so DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE do the Man’s job for him with your exclusionary delicacies.
Public is public and you should support every use of it or they will just keep taking more and more away.
They’re already working on the libraries, so don’t fucking help them with your bullshit memes.
Hi shitbag, I can’t wear earphones due to persistent ear infection risk due to a punctured eardrum and repeated past infections.
Come up and flog me and see what happens…
Public is public, if you have sensory issues, that’s on you. No one has ever given me a pass for mine so fucking deal with it.
Also: I fully support physical violence and find it enjoyable.
Youre not the majority, noone owes it to you to assume that and be nice either
Telling me I can’t use my phone in public because for some reason you have Japan-train-levels of silence expectation is not being nice.
Public is public, as long as it breaks no noise laws I am free to listen to my entire family friendly MLP fanfic audiobook archive and you have zero right to be judgmental. All of modern society has conspired to erase our public squares and meeting places and replace it all with a maze of asphalt so DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE do the Man’s job for him with your exclusionary delicacies.
Public is public and you should support every use of it or they will just keep taking more and more away.
They’re already working on the libraries, so don’t fucking help them with your bullshit memes.
Username checks out.
I want to say username checks out but don’t at the same time
The eternal mystery of the dichotomy of man