Hi everyone! I was diagnosed a few years ago in my early 30s, and started taking Adderall along with some different drugs for anxiety as well.

With Adderall and then Wellbutrin, even in small dosages, I notice that my HRV Stress (recorded on a Garmin 945 Forerunner) is significantly elevated for the entire day. When I used to take a midday and evening dose of (instant release) Adderall, it severely impacted my sleep. I also tried extended release taken in the morning, and that caused sleeping issues as well. So did an extended release of Wellbutrin.

Basically, any benefits those medications provide (and it didn’t really feel like it was helping) were offset by the bodily impact.

Has anyone had a similar experience with either of these medications? Any notable co-morbidities or changed metabolism or something that you identified as causing these symptoms? Did Ritalin or Strattera work for you when Adderall did not? I’ve been cycling through other non-stim medications with my provider, but haven’t found anything that provides benefits for ADHD (I’m currently on guanfacine and zoloft, which mitigates my anxiety at least).

  • addictedtochaos@lemm.ee
    3 months ago
    1. medication interaction could be a reason
    2. overdose
    3. you dont eat right (protein, fat, vegtables)
    4. you are insuline resistent
    5. in my case, i am grain allergic without knowing it, stopped etaing grains, that helped
    6. you could be out of salt and different minerals

    so. you take uppers and downers at the same time. you take blood pressure altering meds. you take ssri while having adhd, AND stimulants on top.

    a couple of things:

    stimulants WILL speed up your metabolic rate. thats why they give you brain energy, and a bit of body energy. Its what you want. but the blood pressure thing interferes big time, as does the ssri. the ssri tries to slow your metabolic rate down, thats why it interferes with blood sugar levels, for example.

    the salt thing is easy, just eat or drink salt. overdose is also easy, just halv your dose. eating is also easy, just eat right.

    so essentially, what you are trying to do is not possible. it will get worse and worse and worse.

    MY problem for eanxeity was grain allergy.

    you have a very high chance that your anxiety has a reason.

    i would recommend getting of of your anxiety meds, make a pause, and see what you cn do to make the stims work.

    I garantuee you that what you do will not work at all.

    try the salt and eat more good stuff, that cant harm you. but if this doesnt owrk, you have to reconsider. try taking less.

    signs of food allergy:

    bloating, stomach cramps. you need 60 sheets of toilet paper, stomach ache, migraines, heart arythmia, anxiety, drepression, skin problems, hair looks dirty, pimples, black spot under eyes, sore throat, dry thorat, white trush on tongue, panic attacs, paranoia thoughts, congested nose, vitamin deficency

    yea, ssri does kinda complement adhd meds, because of serotonin dopamin relase and stuff.

    but that still leaves the fact that one does speed up your system, the other slows it down.

    keep in mind that salt and minerals could be also the culprit. salt is insanely important for proper heart function. and your body cant really deal with a sped up metabolism, sometimes, you are right on the edge, and the stims push you over.

    oh, the guanfancine lowers your blood pressure. so, on stims, your heart needs to beat faster, because your body wants to have higher blood pressure.

    normally, your heart would just beat STRONGER, you see? but it isnt allowed to beat with more force, so it has to beat faster.

    you have an energy usage increase of 20-30 %. thats what stims do.

    keep in mind that i am just an autistic dude with adhd that had problems with insuline resistance and stimulants, so i read a lot of stuff.

    i just want to give you ideas, thats all. it doesnt mean that I know whats right or wrong.

    ok, take care, you will figure it out.