Hello to all the Kuno and Monero community in general, first of all I introduce myself as Lordvoldemort to avoid any kind of pointing out by the authorities of my country, since July 28 my country Venezuela is in a state of distress due to the theft of the presidential elections made by the current president and confessed dictator Maduro, as a result of the theft of the elections a series of political demonstrations took place throughout the country to which the regime responded with force, the imprisonment of citizens and opponents as well as creating a wall of information and blocking applications and web pages such as Tweeter

All this was pointed out because I was imprisoned for two days because I was demanding that the true results of the elections be shown, all this protest was carried out peacefully and without any kind of violence

I managed to get out of prison due to the intervention of an NGO which was in charge of persuading the authorities that we were just a group of young people concerned about their country and without any other motivation thanks to God, we managed to get out but because of all this, we have been victims of harassment from police groups as well as groups affiliated with the government

For this reason I have made the decision that seeing my physical integrity compromised as well as that of my family, I will go for a short or indefinite period of time to Brazil where my brother resides who just a few months ago emigrated and although he is working he does not have the necessary financial resources to cover the expenses of my trip.

If whoever reads this feels moved by my words or my testimony and can help me, I will be eternally grateful

I had already made another Kuno and those funds are still available, they are around 1 XMR that I will be using for my current objective which is to preserve my life and health

Contact: https://x.com/IAMLORDVOLDE?t=9EdWjeb47FgFfn-RIUqay
