The only RGB I have is a tiny module in my mouse’s scroll wheel, and that’s it. I didnt realise the mouse had that module when I bought it and I was quite irritated because of that but I’ve grown to actually like it.
On another note, I’m using an old keyboard that’s basically at death’s door because it seems like it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to find a good keyboard without RGB in it. It’s insane.
I don’t mind RGB as long as it’s easy to turn off and it stays off forever.
What I do mind is that my desktop turned on the RGB is off, but as soon as I shut it down it turns on. And guess what’s at the perfect angle to get blasted with the light? My bed. I eventually found the SEPARATE TOGGLE FOR RGB IN S5 STATE, but guess what constantly gets turned back on with every bios update?
My fucking RGB is hardwired, meaning I can’t turn it off because it doesn’t communicate with the motherboard. I did not ask for nor pay for this, it was an “add on” that Cyber Power tossed in for free…I hate it so much.
Preach. I don’t even have a window on mine. I want my machine to blend into the room. All the showy stuff feels like you need to show off to justify the price.
I just realized that my PC doesn’t have any RGB. My previous one had it on basically everything but the RAM. Now it’s just my keyboard which is set to white.
I still don’t see the appeal of RGB in your computer, personally. I just don’t think it looks good.
The only RGB I have is a tiny module in my mouse’s scroll wheel, and that’s it. I didnt realise the mouse had that module when I bought it and I was quite irritated because of that but I’ve grown to actually like it.
On another note, I’m using an old keyboard that’s basically at death’s door because it seems like it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to find a good keyboard without RGB in it. It’s insane.
I don’t mind RGB as long as it’s easy to turn off and it stays off forever.
What I do mind is that my desktop turned on the RGB is off, but as soon as I shut it down it turns on. And guess what’s at the perfect angle to get blasted with the light? My bed. I eventually found the SEPARATE TOGGLE FOR RGB IN S5 STATE, but guess what constantly gets turned back on with every bios update?
My fucking RGB is hardwired, meaning I can’t turn it off because it doesn’t communicate with the motherboard. I did not ask for nor pay for this, it was an “add on” that Cyber Power tossed in for free…I hate it so much.
I think there may be physical buttons for those fans
I’m in the same boat, wasted of time and money. I want a black box that is functional, not a night light with all the colors.
Preach. I don’t even have a window on mine. I want my machine to blend into the room. All the showy stuff feels like you need to show off to justify the price.
I just realized that my PC doesn’t have any RGB. My previous one had it on basically everything but the RAM. Now it’s just my keyboard which is set to white.
It’s a cancer on humanity. Nowadays you have to pay extra if you want for example a keyboard without the pointless rainbow lights.
Plenty of non-rgb keyboards, like anything aimed at business. But also you can just turn the rgb off.